News & Insights


First Quarter 2024 Update

First Quarter 2024 Update

The US economy has recently performed above-trend and at unsustainable levels, and while the consensus among economists is that there will be an inevitable slowing in the months ahead, it will still perform better than most of the rest of the world.

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First Quarter 2024 Update

Fourth Quarter 2023 Update

The economy has shown signs that it is on a glide-path to a “soft landing,” where the FOMC increases interest rates to tame inflation, but the economy simultaneously averts recession. The resilient economic growth and job market gains have surprised many economists, and while there remain risks to the downside, conditions are such that some analysts say the economy may also surprise to the upside and be stronger than expected.

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First Quarter 2024 Update

Third Quarter 2023 Update

The economy has so far been resilient in the face of the FOMC’s series of interest rate increases to battle inflation. However, there are signs that the increases are influencing growth, and many economists expect the economy to weaken substantially in the coming quarters.

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First Quarter 2024 Update

First Quarter 2023 Update

The global economy continued to recover during the quarter following a shaky 2022. Inflation remains persistently and painfully high, but the rate of inflation has eased a bit since the FOMC instituted the most aggressive program of interest rate increases in 40 years.

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First Quarter 2024 Update

Third Quarter 2022 Update

The global economy is currently teetering on the brink of recession after having delivered a strong post-pandemic recovery. Decades-high inflation caused by supply shortages and rising commodity prices – as well as an aggressive central bank policy response – is undoing the global expansion.

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First Quarter 2024 Update

First Quarter 2022 Update

After a strong on the fourth quarter of 2021, economic activity has begun to slow more than expected early in 2022 due to rapidly accelerating inflation emanating from goods shortages due to supply chain bottlenecks, as well as a continued jump in inflation driven in part by surging commodity prices brought on by the Russia-Ukraine war.

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First Quarter 2024 Update

Fourth Quarter 2021 Update

The global economy continues to improve, with most regions now better off than six months ago. The Omicron variant of the virus introduces some uncertainty into the near-term outlook, but most analysts believe that it will not derail the overall momentum of the recovery

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First Quarter 2024 Update

Third Quarter 2021 Update

The global economy is moving forward in fits and starts, with varying results in different regions of the world. Covid-19 continues to be somewhat of a headwind for the economy, with the Delta variant raising concerns over a rise in new cases.

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2nd Quarter 2020 Update

2nd Quarter 2020 Update

While the health-related effects of COVID-19 were still playing out in the second quarter, stock prices staged one of the most impressive rallies on record as investors attempted to discount the magnitude and timing of an economic recovery

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