Independent Thinking

When you think like everyone else, your results will be like everyone else’s. Flexibility and vision are big advantages in an ever-changing world.

Objective Guidance

As an independent financial advisor, we don’t face the conflicts of interest presented by proprietary products or sales commissions, so we are free to focus on what is best for you and your goals.

Investment Clarity

A sound investment philosophy and strategy can serve as both a roadmap to success and a protection from the kind of activities that can derail even the best plans.


As a fiduciary, we believe that investors have a right to understand exactly what they’re paying for.

Are you preparing your heirs to handle a legacy of wealth?


Family fortunes lost
by the second generation


Family fortunes lost
by the third generation
Source: The Williams Group 

Investment Advisory

A sound investment philosophy combined with consistent application of a disciplined process can keep you focused and help weather the inherent volatility in the market.

Wealth Transfer

Guidance from an integrated team of professionals can go a long way toward ensuring your financial success is shared according to your wishes.

Family Office

We offer a full suite of services to help keep your financial life organized and coordinated so you have the freedom to enjoy what’s important to you.

News & Insights

Second Quarter 2024 Update

Second Quarter 2024 Update

The outlook for the economy this year appears promising. Consumers are contributing actively by spending sufficiently to bolster broader economic expansion. Persistently high inflation does remain a fly in the ointment, and the FOMC has stated it will not lower interest rates until inflation is on track to come back to its target level of 2%.

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First Quarter 2024 Update

First Quarter 2024 Update

The US economy has recently performed above-trend and at unsustainable levels, and while the consensus among economists is that there will be an inevitable slowing in the months ahead, it will still perform better than most of the rest of the world.

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Fourth Quarter 2023 Update

Fourth Quarter 2023 Update

The economy has shown signs that it is on a glide-path to a “soft landing,” where the FOMC increases interest rates to tame inflation, but the economy simultaneously averts recession. The resilient economic growth and job market gains have surprised many economists, and while there remain risks to the downside, conditions are such that some analysts say the economy may also surprise to the upside and be stronger than expected.

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